Frequently Asked Questions About HCG

Q.  What is HCG and how does it work? 

A.  Human Chorionic Gonadatropin (Gonadatrophin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy.  Its job is to ensure that the growing foetus is never short of nourishment.  It does this by releasing energy from the woman’s stored abnormal fat. NB:  The process of releasing stored fat works the same for MEN or WOMEN. It will not feminise a Man (see Men’s Health Page for more details)

Q.  Who discovered the HCG diet? 

A.  The research of Dr Albert T W Simeons is responsible for the HCG diet.  It is highly recommended that you read the full research “Pounds and Inches” before embarking on the HCG diet.  It is very enlightening and will assist the impatient dieter to understand why the HCG diet is as rigid as it is.   Improvisation is strictly discouraged.

Q.  What is the hypothalamus? 

A.  The hypothalamus is a part of the diencephalon area of our brain. This is the vital part of the brain which controls all of the autonomic functions of the body, including breathing, heartbeat, digestion, sleep and the complex functions of the endocrine system. One of the many functions of the endocrine system is regulation and control of your metabolism and weight.

Q.  How much weight can I expect to lose? 

A.  Weight loss varies from 250gm – 1kg per day. Average weight loss 300 – 550 gm per day.  In 3 weeks it is not uncommon to lose 7kg, and in 6 weeks 15kg is attainable.

Q.  How long can I stay on the HCG diet? 

A. When a client has more than 7 kg to lose the treatment takes longer, but the maximum is 40 days of drops or 15kg of weight loss at a time. The drops are stopped at either 15kg or 40 days whichever comes first.  The reason for limiting the drops to 40 days is that by then some patients may begin to show signs of HCG immunity.  After 40 days of drops, it takes about four to six weeks before this so-called immunity is lost and HCG again becomes fully effective.

Q.  Does the HCG diet work for everyone? 

A.  The diet works for almost everyone…young, old, male, female.  However, as is true with any treatment or medication, doctors find some patients do not respond as expected.  So although HCG  is effective for the great majority, we cannot make any promises that it will work for everyone, every time.

Q.  How does HCG 4 Phase Fat Elimination Protocol work? 

A.  HCG works exclusively at a diencephalic level.  It seems that HCG brings about a continual saturation of the blood, which is the reason why most clients under treatment with HCG never feel hungry in spite of the drastically reduced calorie intake.

Q.  Why do I have to eat so much on the first 2 days of the drops? 

A.  This is best answered by Dr Simeon himself.  “ Most patients who have been struggling with diets for years and know how rapidly they gain if they let themselves go are very hard to convince of the absolute necessity of gorging for at least two days, and yet this must he insisted upon categorically if the further course of treatment is to run smoothly…. Four to six pounds in 24 hours is not unusual – but after a day or two this rapid gain generally levels off. In any case, the whole gain is usually lost in the first 48 hours of dieting. It is necessary to proceed in this manner because the gain re-stocks the depleted normal reserves, whereas the subsequent loss is from the abnormal deposits only.”

Q.  Can I do the HCG Plus diet more than once? 

A.  This is best answered by Dr Simeons himself: “Patients requiring the loss of more than 15kg must have a second or even more courses. A second course can be started after an interval of not less than six weeks, though the pause can be more than six weeks. When a third, fourth or even fifth course is necessary, the interval between courses should be made progressively longer. Between a second and third course eight weeks should elapse, between a third and fourth course twelve weeks, between a fourth and fifth course twenty weeks and between a fifth and sixth course six months. In this way it is possible to bring about a weight reduction of 45kg and more if required without the least hardship to the patient.”

NB:  If you have up to 15kg to lose, you may choose to do 2 x 26 day courses.  The second course can be commenced after the Maintenance phase.  (observe notes on Menstrual cycle) OR If you choose to start a 43 day course, and decide half way to break the weight loss up into two 23 day courses instead, that is perfectly acceptable.  Simply follow the instructions for completing the 26 day protocol.  Never skip phase 3 maintenance, it is vitally important to establish the new set point.

Q.  Is it safe for Men to go on the HCG Plus Diet?

A.  Absolutely, men often lose weight faster than women and get even better results. (Refer HCG and Men)

Q.  Wouldn’t I lose weight on such a low calorie diet (500cal) without the HCG Plus drops?

A.  The HCG Plus triggers the release of between 2000 to 4500 calories of energy into your blood stream from your stored fat cells before you put any food in your mouth.  This process helps you to function normally and have good energy levels with no hunger pangs. If you tried to just eat 500 calories without help from the HCG, your body would rebel, you would become weak and lethargic, the hunger would be intolerable and it would likely trigger your body to go into starvation mode. This mode triggers the body’s defences which start to burn muscle for energy to conserve the body fat.  HCG Plus programs break this cycle which is present in most overweight or obese patients.

Q. Are there any side effects with using hCG?

A. Very few experience slight headaches or dizziness for the first few days but this is extremely rare and mild. hCG has been used for weight loss for 50+ years, so there is plenty of evidence to back up its safety.

Q. Will my birth control methods be affected by using hCG?

A. HCG will not interfere with any form of birth control.

Q. Will HCG interfere with medications my doctor has prescribed to me?

A. You should consult with your doctor before beginning any weight loss program.

Q. Is it healthy to lose ½ to ¾ Kilo a day with HCG?

A. While losing ½ to ¾ Kilo daily without the use of hCG would be unhealthy, the HCG in fact changes this. You lose fat and the weight loss comes directly from this fat loss and does not strip the body.

Q. Why does this not have to be refrigerated?

A. This HCG does not have to be refrigerated because it is made in the liquid method and mixed with 16% usp alcohol as part of its liquid medium. The alcohol acts as a preservative and keeps the HCG active and effective. If you are not going to use an open bottle of HCG for  several weeks, you should place the bottle in the refrigerator to hold its potency over longer periods.

Q. Can I continue the program for longer for 40 days?

A. The treatment should be stopped when either 15 kilos have been lost or at 40 days of treatment. This is because some people may begin to show signs of HCG immunity.

After 40 days on HCG it takes about six weeks before this so called immunity is lost and HCG again becomes fully effective. Usually after about 40 days you may feel the onset of immunity as hunger which was previously absent.

Q. Will I keep the weight off?

A. After the HCG diet, you will find your appetite has changed, your eating behaviour will be changed and your body will of course, have changed. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. You will find a minimum amount of exercise will be sufficient for maintaining a very healthy body- from yoga, swimming or a  minium of 30 minutes a day of cardio. Whatever you enjoy just get your body moving and the heart healthier. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat. Amongst the people who have tried this program, 75 to 90% have had hardly any or no difficulty keeping their new, ideal weight.

Q. Why the 500 calorie diet?

A. HCG causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it is available for use. While you are only consuming 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day. The result is your body using thousands of calories from fat from your body each day; the reason hCG dieters lose ½ to ¾ Kilo of fat or more, per day.